Grant Spotlight: 2024 Women in Philanthropy Leadership Fund Grant

Grant Spotlight: 2024 Women in Philanthropy Leadership Fund Grant

Create a lasting catholic legacy

Planned Giving provides a powerful way to fulfill your charitable intentions with gifts made from your estate plans. Through effective and tax-advantaged planned giving options, you can continue to benefit from your assets now, knowing that your estate gift will strengthen Catholic causes and organizations close to your heart in the future.

As you consider your legacy, we are here to help. We welcome you to contact us for a confidential discussion about the impact that you would like to have on causes that are important to you. If you have already included a Catholic organization, program, or parish in your estate plans, thank you! We invite you to become a member of our Legacy Society today.

popular ways to make a planned gift 


Adding a charitable bequest to your will is a simple and popular way to leave a legacy without impacting your current cash flow, lifestyle, or the security of your family. Bequests allow you to distribute tax-free assets to charity according to your wishes. You can gift a certain dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a specific property.


Beneficiary Designation 

Naming CFGP as the beneficiary or partial beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy provides you the means to make an impactful legacy gift while reserving less-taxed assets for your family and loved ones to inherit.

opportunities for outright tax-advantaged giving ​​​​​​

Gifts of stock and other appreciated securities can amplify your impact without taking away from your daily income. In addition, neither you nor CFGP will be taxed on the gains for appreciated assets you donate, and you receive a tax deduction. 

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs), also known as IRA Charitable Rollovers, are an effective way for individuals aged 70½ or older to give directly to their favorite charities tax-free. Donors can transfer up to $105,000 annually from their IRA without having to recognize the transfer as income. These contributions also count toward a donor's required minimum distribution. 

Establishing a Donor-Advised Fund or Endowment Fund with CFGP, invested in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church, can assist you in creating an enduring legacy and pass on the faith to the next generation. Funds can be established during your lifetime using tax-advantaged assets – such as appreciated securities – or established through a planned gift such as a bequest. 


The information on this page does not constitute legal or financial advice. Consult your financial advisor and obtain professional counsel of an attorney to assist you in making a gift in a way that will benefit the people and organizations you care most about.

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