Legacy Society

Champions for the Future of our Faith

The Legacy Society honors donors who have generously named a Catholic organization, program, or ministry throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in their estate plans.

Whether through a bequest, beneficiary gift, promise of real estate, or some other form of planned gift, you are invited to join other like-minded Catholics who have created a legacy to carry on the tradition of our faith. To join our Legacy Society, please inform us of your intentions today.

Benefits of Membership
By joining the Legacy Society, you allow The Catholic Foundation to celebrate your generosity and recognize you now for your future contribution. Each member enjoys the following benefits:
  • Listing as a Legacy Society member in our Annual Report and on our website (You can choose to be a named or anonymous member. Your gift amount always remains confidential.)
  • A certificate of recognition from Archbishop Pérez
  • An invitation to an Annual Mass celebrated by the Archbishop for the intentions of Legacy Society members, with a reception to follow
  • Invitations to other Archbishop and Catholic Foundation events throughout the year
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Legacy Society Members
Special thanks to our current Legacy Society members for their thoughtful planned gift intentions.
Anonymous (10)
Ms. Tammy Williams Brock
Msgr. Ralph J. Chieffo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Connolly, Jr.
Rev. Anthony Cossavella
Mr. John W. Cullen
Rev. Gerald Cusatis
Mrs. Lynda Eckes
Deacon and Mrs. William F. Eliason
Dr. Gerald M. Francesco
Msgr. Joseph P. Gentili
Mrs. Barbara Henkels
Mrs. Irene Heston
Ms. Marie Humbert
Ms. Catherine Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Joganich
Mr. Jeffrey T. Kern
Ms. Elizabeth Korsh
Ms. Susan Mahanor
Mr. Patrick J. Manion
Rev. James T. McCabe
Mrs. Gail T. McCoach
Msgr. Michael T. McCulken
Ms. Mary Frances McElhare
Ms. Amy Simon
Mr. John R. Williams
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