Grant Spotlight: 2024 Women in Philanthropy Leadership Fund Grant

Grant Spotlight: 2024 Women in Philanthropy Leadership Fund Grant


Sarah_new_crop.jpgWe are thrilled to announce that 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia. When we started the Foundation in 2013, it was our dream to build an organization that would not only help people all over the greater Philadelphia area but also accomplish this with the love and intention of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our founding Board members are a dedicated group of Philadelphia Catholics who wanted to help preserve the goodness of our Faith. What started as a dream 10 years ago has turned into a thriving 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation. 

Founded on the principles of transparency and accountability and built on the teachings of Jesus Christ, today, CFGP is the leading resource for Catholic and faith-based philanthropy in the Philadelphia area. We work with donors to manage their charitable funds by helping them choose investment opportunities that meet their individual philanthropic goals.  Since 2013, CFGP has distributed over $20M from funds established with us. Additionally, over the years, through our nonprofit consulting services, CFGP has expanded to include support and direction with growing and sustaining ministries at parishes and Catholic organizations. Through this collaboration, our nonprofit consulting services have raised nearly $200M.  By assisting both groups, CFGP has helped multiply the impact of Catholic organizations all over the Greater Philadelphia region.

Over the next year, as we celebrate our 10th Anniversary, we will be highlighting people and events which have shaped The CFGP into the organization it is today. From our Board of Trustees and our team of professionals to the local Catholic community and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, many hands have helped to shape CFGP. We are stronger together, and the community impact we’ve been able to make over our 10 years of operation has been made possible because of people like you. We are looking forward to sharing our stories with you.

It is exciting to think about what our next ten years will bring. With the Lord as our beacon to light the way, we are confident every day that the future will be filled with kindness, compassion, generosity, and hope. 


Sarah O. Hanley
President and CEO
The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia

10th Anniversary Celebration!

10ya_celebrate (1).jpgOn Monday, October 30, 2023, The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia celebrated our 10th Anniversary at the Union League Liberty Hill, The Lodge, Liberty Ballroom. Thank you to our dedicated Board of Trustees for the gifts they selflessly share. Thank you to Archbishop Pérez for his inspiring words and continued commitment to the Foundation. We would also like to thank all the fundholders, clients, and donors who attended the event. We are reminded that our work at CFGP is only possible because you trust us to steward your projects. A special thank you to all our sponsors for supporting the event, including our Presenting Sponsor: The Kim Family.

Finally, a very special thank you to Monsignor Francis W. Beach, who received the inaugural Heart of Charity Leadership Award. This award is presented to a leader who has made a lasting contribution to our Catholic faith and is dedicated to our mission of growing philanthropy according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.  Monsignor Beach personifies those qualities and attributes; he is the spirit of charity. Congratulations, Monsignor Beach, on this well-deserved honor, and thank you for being the heart of charity at The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia


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Joseph Chott, member Board of Trustees

To celebrate our 10th Anniversary, we spoke with Joseph Chott— a member of the Board of Trustees. “CFGP has a very talented staff, and the word is out about the great work we do! Also, I’m not sure if people appreciate all the nonprofit consulting work CFGP is doing with Catholic organizations across the area. While CFGP is well known for working directly with donors, the nonprofit consulting work is very impactful. The organizations that CFGP helps are often small and without a development staff. Our team works with these organizations in a cost-effective manner, developing a fundraising strategy and executing it. I am proud of our work and have seen a tremendous impact.”


Emily Gambino, Chief Partner Development Officer

Celebrating 10 Years! Our Chief Partner Development Officer, Emily Gambino, looked back at what she has learned over the past 10 years. Her reflection is an insight into an often-unseen part of our work here at CFGP. “The biggest thing I have learned over the last 10 years is that the small things matter. And that's true in several ways! Whether that means a few extra minutes with an individual client or donor or helping navigate the organization's strategic direction. It is easy to get lost in the big picture.


    I have learned to remind myself to zoom out occasionally and focus on solving one problem at a time. Those are the building blocks for the big picture. The projects that I take the most pride in are not the most significant initiatives. They are, instead, the opportunities when we can make a small daily task more manageable for a client. By doing that, they are able to spend more time focusing on their mission and transforming lives.”

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